okay so christmas is here. and I'm at my grandmothers waiting to celebrate the rest of the holiday.. I got a awsome Stero for my ipod! it's SOOO BIG!! I really like it because it's also a CD player in it. and I got a barlowgirl CD. I love it! then I got a portable DVD player and some money and iceage: the meltodwn! it's a great movie. then as a present to myself I got the narnia prince caspain movie. I still have more things to open this year!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm so happy that christmas is almost here! it's going to a white one here! (read last post) but I REALLY WANT IT TO BE CHRISTMAS! I need to open something! I'm going to be able to open something tommorow but it's not the same at all! but it's TWO DAYS AWAY!!
is there no end to this snow?!
I really wish that we won't get anymore snow! I really don't want it! right now its fine because it finally stoped snowing! thankfuly! I have gone sledding since this down pour of snow! thats one of the ups but I'm going to my grammys on christmas and her hill is death. you go there and your risking a couple broken bones! thats how that hill it. but lucas go's right to the top. I don't even go up half way! so I think that he's crazy! but kyle just about broke his neck last year. someone had built a ramp and he went on it then his head flew back so then daddy said that were not allowed to go on the ramp anymore. but I don't anyways and I never will so whats the point of telling me but I wouldn't have done it anyway
Thursday, December 18, 2008
so yesterday I went sledding because we got TONS of snow!
I will tell you more later!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I have been making a gingerbread house for the past couple of days!
I haven't really been making it. I have been eating the candy! it's really quite good! tasty!
My family is going to make christmas cookies. I don't know what kind but I hope that some of them are chocolate ones!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Presents!!
so what do my readers wants? I want some horsey stuff! I want this really neat grooming kit and a lead rope and a crop. so then I can be ready for when I get my horse!! I also wants some things that are musical. like a Ipod speakers which are sooooo cooool! then I want a Barlowgirl CD and a album called All wrapped up.
Tell me what you want for Chirstmas! PLEASE!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cookies! and my sisters birthday!
my sister is 25 or something like that! I hope that she has a long life! happy birthday eva!
Okay and today I'm also making cookies at my friends house for her churches thing tommorow and Saturday. so why can't I just get done with school in three seconds! i want to watch some TV
Oh I have changed my mind on the horse that I would like to adopt, Mighty Sue is not riding sound so I may have to change my horse that I would like to get!
Okay and today I'm also making cookies at my friends house for her churches thing tommorow and Saturday. so why can't I just get done with school in three seconds! i want to watch some TV
Oh I have changed my mind on the horse that I would like to adopt, Mighty Sue is not riding sound so I may have to change my horse that I would like to get!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
why can't money just grow on trees for me to pick off? Oh hi! I thought that I was writing on my blog! maybe I'm just upset right now because my dads not going to have a job in the next month, so I'm trying to still get riding lessons together. because they can't pay for it all by them selfs so i need to give them a little help! please drop me a little comment of support for me and my family!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
adopt a horse!!! (potluck)
okay so I want to adopt a horse! the horse that I want is called Mighty Sue. and my moms like completley against it. but I think that my dad is pretty willing!! she's a very sweet looking mare! I want her so badly!! check out he excellerdind.org to check out her! and maybe even adopt a horse!!
okay so there's a potluck today for my homeschool group! and I have to go help set up today. but I hope that i can go to my friends house afterwards, because my brothers might have her brother here
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas tree.. oh Christmas Tree...
okay so I hope that you all know that Christmas is coming! right? I really want a lot of things right now, but the main thing that I want is a horse! I really would like a black one! but I would also like to rent a horse named pixie at the barn! she's a sweet little white brat and an angel at the same time. but my friend Rebecca whom I ride with is convinced that ponies are evil but most of the ponies there are pretty mean! but I love them to death any ways!
I want a grooming kit and a lead rope, just so when I do get my own horse then I'm prepared. and I also want my own crop. which can help. I want lots of music for Christmas too! I want barlowgirl and many others! I want some Ipod speakers because the ones that I do have are not very useful! I want a nintendo DS or a WII but I probably won't get either! I'm trying to convince me brother to help me save for one! and maybe my daddy will buy the WII sports game!
my brother kyle wants a nerf gun and lucas wants to be a member of a game here on line called toon town, and I want to be a member of stardoll. but neither will probably.
Friday, November 21, 2008
happy thanksgiving!
hey what are you thankful for? I'm thankful for every thing that i have! post your thanksgiving day here!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
a couple new things on TV!!!
okay so there's a couple new things that I want to see today and tommorow and on Sunday.
Tonight I want to watch a new suite life on deck episode then a new phineas and ferb, then on Saturday I want to watch a new Icarly moive called Igo to Japan! so that's going to be fun! Then on Sunday I'm going to watch a new Hannah Montana! that's going to be really good! I can't wait for all these things!
Hope you guys really enjoy this! I do too!!
a scrapbooking party!!
I want to have a scrapbooking party! I want to invite some new people and some of my older friends!! I want to have my three bestest friends and some new people that I would like to get to know better!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
why? why?
why can't my brothers be healthy???? Lucas is sick with a flu thing and kyle has a stomache ache, so I may not be able to go to enrich!! so THEY BETTER GET WELL
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm getting one! it's going to be so much fun!! now i have to go take some pics with the camera!!
Daily puppy!!
I hope that you guys have seen the puppy pictures I have on my Blog!! I hope that you really like them! I love these little guys! there so cute! so don't forget to look at the little daily puppy!!
okay so the big is finaly here! today we vote for the president! My Dad is out of town so he couldn't vote :'( He won't be back until the 13th, so my moms here watching us kids, but anyway! back to voting! my family is voting for Mcain and Palin, so VOTE FOR THEM!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Holloween!! part 2
okay so now that it's in 2 days and I hope you all got your pumpkins carved!! I'm doing mine tonight! so thats is going to be so much fun! I was just looking for some pictures of me and my brother carving our pumpkins. I found some good ones but don't have time to put them up!!
I will be back later to put them up!! SO LONG!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pretty busy.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating this daily but it's not fun if I'm forced to do it, josi. or just plain bugged, i know that I don't update every day. I don't even go on this every day. because I have school and many other things, so if I don't get to it, I'm sorry. so its fun to have one though!!
back to me. as you see I have a very cute little puppy thing up so that every one can see my love for dogs!!
I love horses and many other animals!
back to what i've been doing lately!!
on wednesday i went to yates cider mill it was pretty fun!! then on monday I went gorse back riding and i did the normal things, nothing fancy, on tuesday I was supposed to go to a nature center but my friend couldn't go so I went to the zoo, on thursday I went to enrich and had fun with my friends, then katie came home with me so that we could go to bible study. then on friday I went to see High School Musical 3!! It was a very good movie!! then i went home with katie and had a sleep over with her!! we had ice cream and watched the emporers new groove, which katie had never seen before!! so that was fun!
Monday, October 6, 2008
what do you guys and girls do on monday? I go to a stable and ride! I have to get up around 8:00 or 7:30 and take a shower and eat breakfast and do a little school! then around 9:00 I go to the barn. At 9:00 is when the lesson starts, then I ride for about 3 hours or something like that. then me and my mom and brothers go to a fast food place and have lunch. then I come home and take a hot bath, then do school.
Friday, October 3, 2008
What are you all going to be this year?? I'm going to be a book worm! not like a worm but a very nerdy book lover! so what I think that I will do for my costume is get one of my moms PJ shirts and my some of my own PJ pants and go walk around with a book in my hand! I have some glasses which are, what else? reading glasses! since I got them a couple years ago there kinda small, but I'll use them. so they look like granny glasses!! when I get my costume together then I'll put a picture on here!!
ok, so every first friday of the month I go to art! and today was my first one! we did a bee and that was really fun!
My birthday!!
my B-day is in less then one week! I'm so happy! I'm going to be 13 this year! so far the only thing that I have gotten is a $100 savings bond from my granddad. but the only thing I really want is just money. so that I can get a nintendo DS, and one game!! and I should hopefully have some left over. cause then I can get some half chaps to go over my paddock boots for riding. which I also need some breeches but those are really expensive. so yeh. maybe I'll just save up my christmas money and get that. but who knows!!!

the other day I got a cap for riding! the riding helmet I have is for the end of spring and late summer. in other words it won't keep my head warm during the winter. so I need a cap. and my mother got one of of Etsy.com, so someone made this lovey cap for me!

Like it?? I think it's lovely!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
why, why?
my best friend katie went to Washington D.C today. and now i have no one to talk to at church!! I want her back!
boy I'mcrzy!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Demi Lovato's new album!!
yes the day is finally here and as I write this I'm listening it!! it's so good! I wonder if josi got it... oh well I'll find out on thursday!! so that's that! yes I'm a crazy demi freak!! and I bought the album at 7:00 this morning and i was so glad I did! the only bad thing is I had to borrow a $1 from my dumb brother and I need to pay him back. so that's the only stupid thing. but it's so good! anyone who doesn't have it need's to get it!!
there happy josi?!?
your ever present blogger! carrie!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I went to CEDER POINT!!
yes I did!! I went on the raptor and the iron dragon. I went to ceder point and I had so much fun!! I'm scared of heights and I went to have so much fun! I went there last year and went on the raptor and just went with the other girls who were also scared of the other rides but this year I had so much fun!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
a new horse layout.
I just got this very pretty layout made for me and my unicorns!! if you want to go see it then go to my page! ftlouie
Monday, September 8, 2008
sorry I haven't been on for awhile. I've been really busy, with riding and family. so sorry about that.
as of this day I have had a very good weekend. I went to my grandpa's on Thursday so I missed like 2 days of school. and then the other day i bought a very nice Tb mare of Howrse.com. and then I rode from 9:30 to 11:30 then came home and did my school work then watched tv for the rest of the day, working on updating my howrse page and now posting this for everyone!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I need to breed!
I need to breed my horses! even though most of the foals all look the same, but even though they looks the same, but they all mean something to me!
getting ready for school!
I have been getting ready to go back to go to school! Has anyone else? I don't really want to go back to school but I guess that I have to, the only nice thing is that I will be starting riding, I will at least be riding with my new gear that I just got at the saddlery, I got a helmet and gloves and a hemet and some hair nets!!!!! I am so excited to start again!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
my howrse life
my howrse life is the next best thing, see I ride horses, and I don't ride of the summer but I wish that I did, so I to do some thing do when I don't ride, but thank fully I have Howrse! I have plenty of horses and ponies and foals, I love them all so much! and they are my babies! I have 15 or so horses that are my faves! Sorica, Colbolt, Magical Blackness, Timeless Fable, Dusty, Sunshine, Splash of Crimson, Twilight Vapor and Mouse. they are the mane horses that I look after.
Monday, August 25, 2008
not over yet!
I have one more Celeb!
her name is Jordan Pruitt! she's a really good singer! I'm a new fan of her! she's got a really good voice, I only have her song "One Love", but I'm going to get her other album later!
sorry to all you Jordan fans, I almost forgot her!!
Celeb week is over! i hope that you all enjoyed it! if you have anymore ideas for what I can do for something else fun, the post a comment!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
star doll is such cool website! it's very cool! it's were you get to have the power of money and cloths in your hands!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Christmas Albums!
there a lot of Christmas albums. I love the ones that are made by the disney channel stars, like the disney holiday, with the one with Hannah montana and the Jonas brothers are on it. I love all the songs. Aly and AJ have there own Holiday album and the songs are pretty good.
Aly and AJ.
I don't know if they are coming out with a new album, so I may as well talk about there old albums. one is Insomantic. or how ever you spell it. and then they have an album called into the rush, and then they have a christmas album, and speaking of that, I think that I may buy that this Christmas!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Selena Gomez!
she's going to star in an upcoming movie called "another cinderella story" so she came out with a single called "tell me something I don't know" and i just bought it today! i love the song so much!
I will get a picture of it very soon!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Demi Lovato. she's going to be the next big thing! well at least I think so!
she has one single out on itunes, it's called "Get Back" it's really great and her album is supposed to be coming out in September, well that's according to my friend Josi! I don't know if she's going to have anymore singles, but I hope that she does..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Celeb week!!: Jonas Brothers Album!!!
the new album. the album that all fans have been waiting for! I know that I have! i just bought the album yesterday, it's so good! I love all the songs! my fav songs are Sorry, a little bit longer, and video girl! they are so good! here's a list of the songs.
1. BB good
2. Burnin' up
3. Shelf
4. one man show
5. Lovebug
6. Tonight
7. Can't have you
8. Video girl
9. Pushin' me away
10 Sorry
11. Got me going crazy
12. A little bit longer
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Miley's new album!
miley cyrus has a new album! I love the album!
here's the song line up!!
2. 7 things!
3 the driveway!
4. Girls just want to have fun!
5 . full circle
6. fly on the wall
7. bottom of the ocean
8. Wake up America
9. These four walls
10. simple song
11. Goodbye
12 See you again(Rock Mafia remix)
all these songs are really great! they all have an upbeat scale and are really fun to dance to! or just sit and listen!
Goodbye is a really pretty song,
it really shows off her voice, most of mileys fans no that she recently brook up with Nick Jonas. so I bet alot of fans who listen to her album may think that she wrote this song about him.
this is from my best friend, Josi. she bought the album from the store, so she also got the thank you thing in the inside cover, it had a thank-you,
here's what it said.
to my price charming, you know who you are, but know one else does.
and then something else, that i don't remember.
here's the song line up!!
2. 7 things!
3 the driveway!
4. Girls just want to have fun!
5 . full circle
6. fly on the wall
7. bottom of the ocean
8. Wake up America
9. These four walls
10. simple song
11. Goodbye
12 See you again(Rock Mafia remix)
all these songs are really great! they all have an upbeat scale and are really fun to dance to! or just sit and listen!
Goodbye is a really pretty song,
it really shows off her voice, most of mileys fans no that she recently brook up with Nick Jonas. so I bet alot of fans who listen to her album may think that she wrote this song about him.
this is from my best friend, Josi. she bought the album from the store, so she also got the thank you thing in the inside cover, it had a thank-you,
here's what it said.
to my price charming, you know who you are, but know one else does.
and then something else, that i don't remember.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Celeb week!!
It's here! the week that i sprung on you by surprise! I going to have a Celeb week! every day I will post thing about the Celebs that I like! so coment and give me ideas! the week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday!!
comments go!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Pretty good weekend.
I had an ok weekend, it didn't go to well, I think that my friend katie had a great weekend, she got her purity ring on Saturday and then her b-day is today!!! i hope she has a great time!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I have so many fun things today! me and my family are going to the zoo today! were going with my sister and her kid! Ben! we went and we rode the train, we go to the Detroit Zoo! it's like the best! we just got a membership and I'm so happy! I went to the zoo for the first time since at least two or 3 years ago! so it was a lot of fun!
then I went to my bestest friends 13th b-day party! we had had so much fun!
then I went to my bestest friends 13th b-day party! we had had so much fun!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
lets see.........

what I did on my trip! we had to sit in the van for hours and then when we got the camp site we found that there was a lot of spiders around! then we set up the camper and made a fire and made smores then went to sleep.......
the next day we went hiking, it was really nice! and we saw some little water falls! they were pretty,
then after we got back we went to the camps pool! it was so big! it was an olympic size pool! we went swimming then went back and made dinner and then again made smores and went to bed..........
the following day we went to the corning glass musuem. it was so much fun! they had alot of demos then we came back to the campsite and went swimming! this time the diving boards were open so kyle and I went off them so much! it was so cool! then we came back to the site and had dinner, made some smores and went to bed............
the next day was the last, we packed up and left, but the trip wasn't over! we went to see Niagra! they were so beautiful! we went on the Maid of the mist it was a little boat that went right by the falls! It was so pretty, i was kinda scared, so I'm going to put up some pics! moms sending them so, I going to post this! and then when I get them they will go up! then we went to the hotel where we were staying and went swimming then we cam back and had a candy bar and went to sleep............
then the next day we left then sat in the car for a long time then came and had dinner then did our sparklers and went to sleep!
there now I'm done!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
NEW YORK!!! (and fireworks!)
I will be gone from june 30th tho july 4th. If you read this blog then please don't expect anything for a few days. I can't wait to go and see New York. every one excepts that when you go to new york that you have to go to the city. but I'm not going there, I going camping!! and tonight I'm going to see some fireworks!!
thanks to every one who reads this!!
see you all later!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
PERFECT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've had such a perfect day! my life has been perfect. my howrse life is working perfect perfect! I going to put some more pics of my horses up today! that's a unipeg! i think that horse should get! right now we only have unicorns. here's a picture of one of my uni's! her name is timeless fable!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I'm so happy that I got more unis!!! I love them so much!! i have a mare named timeless fable because she's immortal. and then I training a uni stud and my friend said that i can breed him! and then today I got a little uni filly! she is so cute! I will post more later!
Monday, June 16, 2008
I had FUN!! WEEEEE!!!
I had so much fun this weekend! I went to the zoo with my sister and her son ben! and we kinda got rained on so we hid in the butterfly house and looked at the butterfly's and then we had to move and we looked at some fish and then when we got out of the butterfly house a squirrl had chewed though the stroller to get to the food that we had brought, then we went and looked at the otters, they were so cute! then we went into the alligator house and saw snakes and frogs and alligators and turtles, then we saw some camels, and many other animals! I hope that Eva got some good pictures!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
See I'm back!!!
I love this site! I was thinking of maybe being a artist when I grow up, but that be a hobby, I really want to be a great rider! It's my dream! I might put up pictures of my artwork later. (I'm just lazy because I don't want to take any pictures of my artwork and go through the long process:) I'm bored because everything is done for me on howrse. I finished taking care of my angels(in which case angels mean most of the arabs and ponys) will write more later.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Fun day *hoping*
I hope that everybody who read's this blog likes it! I sure have fun doing it! There are so many things that you can do with your time. *where did that come from?* but anyway, you can read a book or swim in your pool or go riding at a horse barn! I have only done two of those thing today. besides I'm as bored be!! my day has been really boring, the only fun thing I did today was make muffins. *I think there done!* so I think that I will go get one and I'll be funny again tommow!
Monday, June 9, 2008
New Arrivals
I have some new little fillies on howrse! there names are Twilight and Dusk. Twilight is a very special little girl(that's Twi!) I love my mares and stallions! Twi's dam is Sunshine her sire is Colbolt. they are very special horses to me! I love them so much!
Dusk is the next new little filly on howrse! Twi and Dusk are step sisters. The only difference is the dams. as you know Twi's dam is Sunshine but Dusk's dam is.......Sorica the most be
beautiful mare I have. I'm going to put a pic of Dusk and her dam, and I will put up a pic of Twi's Dam. the blue mare is Sorica. this pic is of Sorica's newest filly dusk! this next pic is of Sunshine mother of Twi!
two more new little foals!! Mouse and White rush! white rush is one of Colbolts grand foals! Mouse is another Colbolt's grand foal! I will put some pics of mouse and white rush and there mothers up very soon!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Graduations!!! (more and more)
the time has finally come for the Grads to proudly say that they finished High school! my cousin has graduated! I'm going to the party right after I finish this blog! I hope that over this month many happy young men and women will get to hang there diploma on there wall for all there friends to see :) Again congrats Grads!!!! have fun trying to decide what collages to go to!! I'm glad that I only on middle school!!! :)))
Saturday, June 7, 2008
good day to all! :)
I hope that every one who has read this blog likes it and is enjoying it!! I love doing this! it's so much fun! I can practice writing and typing! My sister Eva has a blog and a etsy shop. She makes..... thinking....... OH! she makes pendants and other things! I don't look at her shop that often. mom makes magnets out of domino's and she makes paper goods and pedants and pins with her button maker!
thats a picture of me and my brothers.
I like these earrings in her shop. it's called greenleafandowl.
Friday, June 6, 2008
howrse is like the best site ever!! I love it so much. It's where you can own horses and breed them and run your own equestrian center!! my mom even has her own account on howrse! her user name is Howrsefreak. Mine is ftlouie. if you have ever seen the movie princess diaries, the princess cat is named fat louie. this picture is of my moms Connemara. (on howrse we call them connies.)
I breed arabs. my best horse is Colbolt. (I know that's not the right way to spell it but I like to spell and say it like that.) the black horse with wings is colbolt.
this is my best stallion!!! I love him so much!! howrse is kind of a fantasy site, but then it isn't. I also love my ponies!! I breed Chincoteague ponies and newfoundland ponies! they are so cute!
this little chestnut pony is named phantom.
My Very First Blog
My mom said "go for it." Yeah!
Check out my mom's shop: PipingHotPapers.etsy.com
Here's one of her cool items:
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